Glycolysis, 225, 620
overall reaction of, 233
under aerobic conditions, 233
reactions of, 226
Glycolytic enzyme deficiencies in
erythrocytes, 235
Glycolytic enzymes, 226
Glycophorin, 155
desialylated, 164
glycophorin A, 163
glycophorin B, M and N antigenic
determinants, 163
primary structure of glycophorin A, 163
P-glycoprotein gene, 220
Glycoprotein hormones, 744
peptide, 701
Glycoprotein(s), 271, 153, 155, 307
biosynthesis of, 311
oligosaccharide side chains of, 153
Glycosaminoglycans, 182, 298, 307, 859
biosythesis of, 322
classes of, 182
heparin, 184
hydrophobicity, 183
keratan sulfate, 183
Glycosides, 143
Glycosidic bond, 143
Glycosphingolipids, 307, 365, 409
cell surface
alterations in, 414
Glycosylases, 556
Glycosylated hemoglobin, 513
Glycosylation, 585
Glycosylation of hydroxylysyl
residues, 588
Glycosylphosphatidyl inositol (GPI), 307
Glycyrrhetinic acid, 755
Glypican, 322
GM-CSF, 835
-gangliosidosis, 413
GMT deficiency, 11
GnRH, 714
Goblet cells, 199
Golgi apparatus, 155, 185, 186,
188, 317
Golgi complex, 156
Gomori trichrome staining, 269
Gonadotropin, 702
Gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH
(LHRH), 731
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, 732
Gossypol, 790
Gout, 630
primary, 631
treatment, 631
Gout arthritis, 631
Gower I, 657
Gower II, 657
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), 195
Gram-negative bacteria, 190, 250
Gram-positive bacteria, 190
Gramicidin A, 261, 262
Gramicidins, 26
Grave’s disease, 772
Graves’ disease, 779
Graves’ hyperthyroidism, 778
GRE, 603
Growth, 331, 702
Growth and maturation, 777
Growth factor, 611
Growth factor receptor, 611
Growth hormone (GH Somatotropin), 737
Growth hormone (GH), 185, 282, 505,
701,722, 877
Growth hormone secretion
regulation, 739
Growth hormone-releasing
hormone, 732
Growth in children, 332
GSD type III, 478
GSD type V, 478
GSD type VII, 478
GSH, 301
GSH synthase, 301
GSH synthase deficiency, 335
GSH synthesis, 335
GSK-3, 289, 290
GTP, 577, 579
role of, 579
GTPase, 715
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase, 12
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase
Guanine, 523
Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins
(G proteins), 223, 604
Guanosine triphiosphate, 241
Guanosine triphosphate, 276
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), 170, 322
Gulonic acid, 296
Gutathione (GSH), 333
'H-NMR, 12
H-ras, 611
H-strand of mitochondrial DNA, 266
H. influenzae,
Hadacidin, 626
Hael, 531
Haell, 531
6 6 8
Hageman factor, 844
Hairy T-cell leukemia, 612
Half reaction, 72
Haptens, 128, 130
enzyme-labeled, 130
Haptoglobin, 690
Harderoporphyrinogen, 687
Hartnup’s disease, 216, 333, 363, 924
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 778
HAWK (high-molecular-weight
kininogen), 857, 870
Haworth projection, 141
Hb Barts, 660
Hb Bethesda, 667
Hb Chesapeake, 667
Hb constant spring, 661
Hb Hammersmith, 664
Hb Icaria, 661
Hb Koya Dora, 661
Hb Leiden, 669
Hb Philly, 664
Hb Quebec-chori, 669
Hb Saki, 667
Hb San Jose, 669
Hb Seal Rock, 661
Hb Sydney, 664
HbC, 669
HbF, 958
HbG-Makassar, 669
HbH disease, 660
Hbs Ann, 667
Hbs Bibba, 667
Hbs Hammersmith, Abraham Lincoln,
Bibba, 667
Hbs Leiden, Seattle, Louisville, and
Peterborough, 667
Hbs M,
6 6 8
HbS mutation,
6 6 8
Hbs Nottingham
Indianapolis, 667
Hbs Philly, Sydney, North Shore, Leiden,
Gun Hill, 667
Hbs S, D, and G, 957
Hbs Torino, Ann Arbor, St. Louis, Köln,
and Shepherd’s Bush, 667
hCG, 701
HCN, 673
se e
lipoproteins, high-density
Heart, 489
Heart muscle, 337
Heat production, 224
Heat shock factor, 603
Heat-shock, 599
Heat-shock proteins, 60, 712
Heavy meromyosin, 460
Heavy metal ions
Pb2+ and Hg2+, 25
Heavy metals, 230
poisons, 32
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