protein, 906
PMSI, PMS2, 612
6 6 8
Pneumocystis carinii, 824
PNMT, 761
Poikilocytosis, 166
Point mutation, 546, 559
Pol III, 551
Poly-C degrading RNase, 600
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
164, 536
Polyamines, 508
Polyclonal gammopathy, 950, 952
Polycyclic hydrocarbons, 274
Polycystic ovary disease syndrome, 495
Polycythemia, 657
Polycythemia syndromes
secondary, 667
Polydipsia, 511
a ,
ß ,
5, 552
e, 552
y ,
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 535
Polymerase I, 550
Polymerase III, 551
Polymorphism, 533
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
(PMNs), 476
Polynucleotide, 521
Polypeptide, 17
Polypeptide /3-structures, 60
Polypeptide chain initiation, 576
Polyphagia, 511
Polyprotein, 580, 608
Polyribosome, 580
alginates, 149
gums, 149
hemicelluloses, 149
pectins, 149
Polysaccharides (glycans), 133, 147
Polysome, 580
Polyuria, 511
POMC gene, 736, 743
Poofreading, 550
Pore protein, 250
Porin, 191,250
formation, 684
Porphobilinogen deaminase, 685, 687
Porphyria cutanea tarda, 683, 687
6 8 6
hepatic, 687
Porphyrins, 508
Portland, 657
Positive allosteric effectors, 649
Positive regulation, 594
Positive regulation of gene expression, 594
Postabsorptive metabolism, 511
Postabsorptive state, 339
Postalimentary lipemia, 504
Postreplicational repair, 559
Posttranslational modification, 579
Posttranslational modifications
intracellular, 587
Potassium, 934
Potassium channel (Kir6.2), 493
Potassium ions, 752
PPAR-j/2, 516
PPAR-y2, 517
Prader-Willi syndrome, 82, 606
Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes (PWS),
Pralidoxime, 99
Pravastatin, 417
Prealbumin (transthyretin), 63, 333
Prednisolone, 752
Pregnancy, 331, 332, 792
Prekallikrein, 841, 844
activation of, 857
Premature infants
lungs of, 272
Prematurity, 216
Prenatal diagnosis, 188
Preprohormone, 701
Presenilin 1 and 2, 62
Prevention of pregnancy, 799
Pribnow box, 567
Primaquine, 302
Primary gout, 631
Primary hemostasis, 839, 840
Primary hyperaldosteronism, 759
Primary hypercortisolism, 760
Primary hyperoxaluria type I, 348
Primary hyperparathyroidism, 885
Primary sex cords, 781
Primary structure of protein, 35
determination of, 36
Primary taste sensations, 146
Primase, 553
Primer, 549
Prion diseases, 63
Prions (PrP), 63
Pro-opiomelanocortin (pmoc), 517,
742, 743
Probenecid, 633
Probucol, 449
Procarboxypeptidases, 202, 214
Processing, 315
Processivity, 484
Procoagulant subsystem, 852
Procoagulant subsystem of
coagulation, 852
Procolipase, 202
conversion, 585
Procollagen 1 extension peptides, 889
Procollagen molecule
structure, 588
Procollagen polypeptides
extracellular posttranslational
modification, 589
translocation and secretion, 589
Procollagen type I
carboxyterminal propeptide, 179
N-terminal propeptide, 179
Proelastase, 182, 202, 214
Proenzymes, 110, 842
Progestins, 702, 790
Progressive familial intrahepatic
cholestasis, 438
Progressive supranuclear palsy, 62
Proinsulin, 490, 491
regulation of gene expression in, 594
Prokaryotic mRNA
lifetime of, 568
Prokaryotic ribosomes
chemical composition of, 575
Prokaryotic transcription, 566, 568
Prolactin (PRL), 298, 608, 701, 702, 722,
737, 741, 877
human, 741
receptors for growth hormone, 722
Prolactin inhibiting hormone PIH, 732
Prolactin inhibiting hormone PIH
(Dopamine), 731
Prolactin receptor activation, 722
Prolactin releasing factor PRF,
P ro la ctin o m a s,
Prolamine sulfate, 184
Proline, 17, 21, 176, 333, 349
Prolonged fasting, 282
Prolonged starvation, 278
Prolyl, 585
Prolyl 3-hydroxylase, 587
Prolyl and lysyl residues
hydroxylations of, 588
Promoter, 567
Promyelocytic leukemic, 907
Proofreading function of polymerase, 550
Proopiomelanocortin, 608
Properties of water, 1
Prophospholipase, 202
Prophospholipase A
, 217
Propionate, 202, 279
Propionyl-CoA, 244
Propionyl-CoA carboxylase, 373
Propionyl-CoA oxidation, 373
Propylthiouracil (PTU), 775
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